We are very happy to release our lastest VPN with ShadowsocksR technology – New Era VPN!
Across the Great Firewall, we can reach every corner in the world!
Since Xi Jinping took the power of China, the GFW is being built higher and higher to block the websites Chinese government doesn’t want people to see, at the same time, Chinese government equipped newer technology to monitor the content people in China are posting online.
If you have the plan to visit China or to live in China for awhile, a VPN is a must have to keep your online activities alive (Updating your status on Facebook, sharing photos on Instagram, for instance) even you don’t have any interests in politics.
If you do have interests in politics and you want to write something on China’s political events as well, you must be cautious while you are in China. Like Russian people used to live in Stalin’s regime, hiding your online activities is essential, so you want to use something like Tor – Unfortunately, Tor service has been blocked for years in China, unsurprisingly, so you must use a VPN to connect to Tor service first. – to post your threads anonymously. You won’t be too cautious, always protect yourself in China. You will read a lot of sad stories here.
We have services in the States and Japan, we can offer fast, encrypted connections to users in China. Due to we will never keep our users’ activities and logs, no one will know what you did, which website you visited (Unless your computer is hacked, or you installed malware on your computer).
At last, NEVER install any Chinese software such as QQ, 360 Total Security, Baidu etc. on your computer, for your own safety.